Our World

The need for healthier and more suitable lifestyle is rising. Environmental and social awareness and activism are exploding driving demand for transparency and change.

Our problem

Obtaining clear, relevant and unbiased information is extremely difficult for consumers.

Our people

Consumers are passionate about the products they buy and the brands they buy from. When they make a purchase, they look at what is healthier for themselves, for their communities, and more responsible for the planet.

Actaware is our

Actaware guides people in defining their values to create personalized ratings on products and companies. These ratings help people to avoid hurtful products and allow them to support businesses aligned with their causes.



Create your profile and instantly define what truly matters to you from wide range of categories.



Explore and take action on over 50 topics across health, social matters, environment, corporate transparency...



Build your unique VALUE PROFILE and direct your actions based on your views and preferences.



Search products and companies to discover how they rank based on YOUR VALUES.



Get access to thorough information, scores and breakdowns to help you decide what to consume and support.



Get recommendations to support product and businesses that best align with your values.


Conscious Consumerism and demand for relevant, unbiased information have been on a surge in the most recent years. Existing applications attemting to address this demand are too niche and concentrated on single use case. They also do not offer the user personalization and values alignment features. Therefore, the results they produce are too general and appealing only to a narrow segment of the society.

Building a tool for a better World

Our global and diverse team believes that the key to being truly proactive lies in accurate information from trusted sources, readily accessible. Our extensive experience in data, tech, ESG, financial and consumer markets allows us to create the strongest app for taking a stand and making a difference.

Meet us

Michał Majerczak

Chief Executive Officer michal@actaware.com

Inventor and visionary of Actaware. Over 15 years of experience in building data analytics architectures and managing global teams at MSCI.

Two causes that care most about:
Corporate transparency
Favorite activity:

cycling, running, martial arts, dancing, water sports, podcasts and audiobooks

A fun fact:

My daughters are telling me that I should be a chef and a baker

Przemek Witusik

Chief Technology Officer

Seasoned Technology Leader with over 20 years of software development experience across the UK and Poland.

Two causes that care most about:
Favorite activity:

Walking, swimming, reading sci-fi and fantasy, listening to good music, travelling

A fun fact:

I played the French horn in high school.

Sharon Zehavi

Chief Marketing Officer

International branding expert, owner of Sex Up Your Brand. Award winning, best selling author and TV host on marketing and branding.

Two causes that care most about:
Favorite activity:

kickboxing and krav maga, theatre, art, singing

A fun fact:

The Israeli army wanted to pay me to be a dentist.

Leighton Smith

Chief Financial Officer

International finance specialist for 28 years. Worked 9 industries and across 25 different countries on 5 continents. Helped startups in raising over $100m. US patent holder and software inventor.

Two causes that care most about:
Corporate transparency
Personal care products
Favorite activity:

Likes to keep active doing endurance sports and CrossFit, playing piano, investing, poker and other competitive games

Oleksandra Pokusynska

Data Scientist

Experienced full stack developer with Master’s degree in Applied Linguistics, speaks 5 languages.

Two causes that care most about:
Favorite activity:

Digital art & Sewing

A fun fact:

I was an entrepreneur at 13 – I sold pies to people waiting in line on Poland/Ukraine border.

Robert Slowko

Head of ESG

ESG and Sustainability expert. 20+ years of experience in Financial Investment Services and ESG and Climate business development.

Two causes that care most about:
Human and employee rights
Favorite activity:

music, literature, art, travel, socio-political global issues, economics, sports

A fun fact:

I speak 5 languages.

Pedro David Espinoza

Non-Executive Director

World Economic Forum Vice Curator, TED Speaker, Entrepreneur, Tech Investor, Pan Peru CEO, HITEC 100, Inclusion Expert & Bestselling Author

Two causes that care most about:
Diversity equity and inclusion
Favorite activity:

Playing Tennis. Traveling: visited 33 countries in 6 continents for speaking engagement and business conferences.

A fun fact:

I am ambidextrous in Pickleball and pingpong.
I have songs on Spotify.

Piotr Przybysz

UX&Product manager

Technologist with a degree in Anthropology and interest in broad Social Studies.

Two causes that care most about:
Animal Care
Favorite activity:

Skitouring, reading, cycling

A fun fact:

I love cats and I am interested in them (I have a Maine Coon).

Rafał Michalski

.Net Developer

Back-end Engineer with a degree in Automation & Robotics

Two causes that care most about:
Personal care products
Favorite activity:


Sebastian Parzych

Backend Developer

Mechatronics, Automatics, Robotics and CS Engineer

Two causes that care most about:
Corporate transparency
Favorite activity:

jogging, hiking, working out, swimming, playing guitar, hiking, reading books, electronics

A fun fact:

I like reading poems, especially Zbigniew Herbert’s Cogito collection.

Emilia Selwa

Data Scientist

Pursues a degree in Sociology at University of Warsaw. Broaden her knowledge in social research and data science.

Two causes that care most about:
Animal Care
Favorite activity:

Polish folk dance, playing the piano, horse riding, traveling, hiking

A fun fact:

I love things from bygone era – I like to collect old photos, vintage cameras, ceramics and second-hand clothes.

Paulina Powązka

Strategic Assistant to the CEO

Cultural anthropologist with a degree in Asian Studies and a specialisation in Far Eastern Studies (Japanese culture, language and art).

Two causes that care most about:
Diversity equity and inclusion
Favorite activity:

Traveling, hiking, painting, learning languages (currently learning Spanish)

A fun fact:

Speaking Japanese is my superpower.

Marta Musidłowska

Legal Specialist

Technology lawyer specializing in the European and American digital laws.

Two causes that care most about:
Human and employee rights
Favorite activity:

yoga, running, cycling, horseriding, singing, reading about Asian culture, hiking

A fun fact:

While hitchhiking, I rode just about every mode of transportation – from an oil-carrying truck through a crumbling delivery van to a cutting-edge Tesla.
I also love Disney fairy tales and know almost all the songs by heart – because I loved “Mulan” so much, my family bought me a trip to China for my 18th birthday.

Artur Urbański

Head of Infrastructure

5 years of experience in building multiple technology and R&D Teams.

Two causes that care most about:
Diversity equity and inclusion
Favorite activity:

Climbing, mountaineering, cycling

Aleksandra Powązka

Data Scientist, Master of Cosmetology

Master’s in Cosmetology form Jagiellonian University. Combines her cosmetology and healthcare knowledge with data science.

Two causes that care most about:
Animal Care
Favorite activity:

Hiking, volleyball, swimming, travel, ink painting

A fun fact:

When I was a little girl all my family called me “Olka Fasolka” and I didn’t like it very much, only in adulthood I started using it as a nickname.

Joanna Jaworska

Python developer

Master’s in Quantitative Methods in Economics and Information Systems. 10+ years of data analysis experience in marketing and e-commerce.

Two causes that care most about:
Animal Care
Human and employee rights
Favorite activity:

Kayaking, cycling, dancing, fitness

A fun fact:

I can read astrological charts and I met Luc Besson.

Jan Nowiński

Data Scientist/ NLP Engineer

Al and Data Science specialist with an engineering degree in Photonics. Responsible for Machine Learning and NLP.

Two causes that care most about:
Corporate transparency
Favorite activity:

Climbing, playing volleyball and hiking, photography, playing guitar, scouting

A fun fact:

I get really emotional watching movies, especially musicals.

Gracjan Miernicki

Chief Data Officer

PhD Candidate in Political Science. Combines data science skills with broad social studies expertise.

Two causes that care most about:
Corporate transparency
Business involvement
Favorite activity:

weight lifting, miniatures painting, video games, reading, political sciences

A fun fact:

I write poems and novels (straight into the drawer!)

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